Chat & Chew Café
Sunday at 8:00AM
Sunday School/Dialogue Hour
Sunday at 9:00AM
New Member’s Orientation
Sunday at 8:30AM
Baptism and Right Hand of Fellowship Service
First Sunday of the month at 8:00AM
Holy Communion
First Sunday of the month at 9:45 10:00AM
Morning Worship Service
Sunday at 10:00AM
Children’s Church
Sunday at 10:00AM in the fellowship hall
Mid-Day Bible Study
Wednesday at 12:30PM
Evening Bible Study
Wednesday at 6:30PM
Evangelism and Outreach Outing
Second & Fourth Saturday of the month from 8:00AM
Forestville Health and Rehabilitation Center Fellowship
First Saturday, from 10:30AM to 11:30AM
Friends and Family Night
Fourth Friday of the month at 7:00PM